Sunday 22 May 2016

We are learning to use Tagul, an online word cloud maker that allows you to shape your words.
Georgia helped by providing the words - she's really keen on horses and is a bit of an expert if you want to know about horses.  Mack showed me the programme and Caitlyn helped me learn to use it.
Thanks kids! 

In our school assemblies, there is the presentation of awards.  In this video, Kieran and Jackson received their certificates from Mr Campbell. (Near the end of the video - click here)
Congratulations boys on earning your awards.

Thursday 12 May 2016


Due to leaky buildings and roll growth, it was decided to demolish two old prefab classrooms and build a new two classroom modern learning environment.
There was much excitement when we watched the demolition of the old buildings.

After the demolition materials were trucked off-site, and the land levelled with gravel spread and rolled.

The framing for the new foundations were put in place.

The concrete block foundations were laid.

The framing for the building has been trucked in and offloaded.

Visit the blog again for updates on the building progress.


Have been to your dentist recently?  If so you may well find that in the waiting room there is a fish tank.   It is there because research found that watching the fish in the tank had a calming effect, lowering anxiety and was fascinating to young children as they waited for their appointment time.

A prominent feature in Room 6 is our own fish tank.  In it there is are two angel fish that glide around the tank, about 12 guppies with flowing tails, a brown spotted algae eating pleco, a red tailed shark and an alligator with wide gaping jaws. 

Some children like to sit near the tank as they find it helps them to be calmer in class.  


As part of the Milk In Schools programme, we have cartons of milk available to children four days a week.  But how does the milk get to us before being distributed to the classes?

A truck arrives carrying boxes, each with 30 cartons inside.  Students help unload the truck.

The boxes are passed along the line of children and into the office block.

The boxes are stacked up and stockpiled until needed.

Boxes are later stacked in the fridge to chill it for 24 hours before they are taken to the classrooms.

After drinking the milk the containers are collected for recycling in Asia.  You can read more here...

Monday 28 March 2016

We had a great time at our Year 6 camp at Palm Grove. We may not have got much sleep but we sure had fun with all our activities.

You can see lots of our special critters on display in the school library.

Luc, Stase, Joshua Mc,  Ivan and Georgia all represented our school in the Inter-school swimming sports.